Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I opt out of Association membership?

      • No, property ownership is automatically a member of the association.

  • What happens if I don't make my assessment payments?

      • If you are past 30 days, you will be charged a 10% late fee.

  • If I take my own garbage to the dump can I deduct the cost of trash collection from my assessment payments?

      • No, our rates are fixed at 169 accounting all of the lots in the association.

  • Can the Association increase the assessment without my approval?

      • Yes, they can be raised up to 5% without approval of the members; above 5% requires approval by ⅔’s of a quorum at the annual meeting.

  • Can the documents that govern the association be amended?

      • Yes, changes to the documents require an approval of 75% of all eligible members.

  • Who is eligible to vote?

      • Homeowners who are not delinquent in payment and 1 vote per lot.

  • What is a proxy?

      • When you allow someone to vote on your behalf.

  • The Association has "money in the bank" so why do I also have to pay an assessment?

      • Our association is required to maintain all side streets in the neighborhood, street lights and signage.